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Bowmore 18 Year Old 700ml,43%, tax free

Bowmore 18 Year Old 700ml,43%, tax free

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🌼聞香 非常招牌的黑糖烏梅汁、略有炭燒咖啡豆、李子、蜂蜜、些許深沉木質香、一點點薑末。 氣味優雅平穩、酒精感不強、醃漬烏梅湯汁相當明顯,嗅聞起來跟直接拆開蜜餞袋子吸氣味相當類似。 🥃品飲 入口甜度相當高、蜂蜜混合著黑糖的甜味、第一口舌頭沾著酒液散發出很高的香氣從鼻腔竄出、炭燒咖啡苦、很淡的泥炭、在口中與甜味混合成黑巧克力、甜度很高不酸地的烏梅湯、舌頭上卡著好甜的葡萄果乾、把整個口腔渲染成蜜餞汁的甜美回甘。 💧兌水 加水後木質、鹹味變得明顯、甜度從黑糖蜂蜜變成豐年果糖(玉米糖漿甜)、炭燒咖啡、麥芽巧克牛奶,加水後的感受口味被稀釋掉,個人喜歡純飲多一點點。 🧊加冰 甜味被集中爆發、跟喝1:1蜂蜜水的甜度差不多,炭燒咖啡帶點烏梅香的果汁,加冰後可以給完全不喝威士忌的人來品飲,酒精感完全消失,又甜、又香、口感又滑潤的轉變。 ㊙️總評: 認為這18年免稅版在甜度上多了黑糖蜂蜜的甜味,而且在炭燒的口味更加明顯,而且木頭的澀口與桶味也降低許多,品飲起來也是表現相當好的一支酒款。 喜歡甜度較高的波摩系列,這支18年免稅真的是目前喝過波摩系列最甜的一支,表現依然很好,令人舒服甜口的一支好酒。
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According to the Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act of Taiwan, it's not allowed to sell alcohol online. You could contact us through the official Line account.

Is the Peaty House a bar? Can we drink in the shop?

The Peaty House is a peated whisky shop, not a bar.In our shop, you can try the whisky, attend whisky tasting events, and buy whisky.

Shall we may an appointment?What is the address of the Peaty House?What is the business hours?

Welcome to the Peaty House without an appointment. In order to provide better services, we hope that you can make an appointment in advance. We will have a special small gift from the appointment.

The business hours are 10am - 7pm at Taipei Time.

Address: No. 266, Rui’an St., Da’an Dist., 106 Taipei City, Taiwan.

Telephone No: +886-2-2700-0606