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Ardbeg Uigeadail Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky,700ml,54.2%

Ardbeg Uigeadail Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky,700ml,54.2%

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產品說明 雅柏Ardbeg Uigeadail,有著強勁尾韻的54.2%酒精濃度,它的名字取自於一座山丘湖,一座供應酒廠富含泥煤水源的湖,並以其深邃、豐富和煙燻的複雜特性聞名。 2003年發表的雅柏Ardbeg Uigeadail,名字取自蓋爾語,意指黑暗、神秘之地,普遍而言是艾雷島威士忌鑑賞家的最愛。漢密許托里(Hamish Torrie)繼續說道,「我們希望如此殊榮能引起世人對整個酒廠與其他酒款的關注,透過強勁尾韻、泥煤味與煙燻味所創造出的完美平衡口感,持續贏得全球各地愛好者的喜愛」。 吉姆莫瑞在他的2009版《威士忌聖經》中談到雅柏Ardbeg Uigeadail時是這麼說的,「從徹底的絲滑明亮,到多層次的味道所傳遞出的繁複,這樣的層級,全球僅有一隻手就可數完的釀酒廠可夢想達到此一境界」。 品飲紀錄 香氣:海風、泥煤、藻味、乳脂、香草、堅果。 口感:第一口乳脂味湧現,接湧而來的是泥煤、香草、堅果、奶油爆米花、柑橘的深邃感。 尾韻 : 由淺至深,烤麵包及柑橘味。
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According to the Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act of Taiwan, it's not allowed to sell alcohol online. You could contact us through the official Line account.

Is the Peaty House a bar? Can we drink in the shop?

The Peaty House is a peated whisky shop, not a bar.In our shop, you can try the whisky, attend whisky tasting events, and buy whisky.

Shall we may an appointment?What is the address of the Peaty House?What is the business hours?

Welcome to the Peaty House without an appointment. In order to provide better services, we hope that you can make an appointment in advance. We will have a special small gift from the appointment.

The business hours are 10am - 7pm at Taipei Time.

Address: No. 266, Rui’an St., Da’an Dist., 106 Taipei City, Taiwan.

Telephone No: +886-2-2700-0606