Ardbeg Drum Single Malt Whisky,700ml,46%
Ardbeg Drum Single Malt Whisky,700ml,46%
Ardbeg Drum,將在美國波本白橡木桶熟成的雅柏酒液,再放入來自美國的蘭姆酒桶內。酒液的色澤呈現晶瑩的金黃色,可以嗅到一股松樹脂、木煙燻、海洋的芬芳,味道也彷彿在香蕉與鳳梨間舞動著。再飲一口,陣陣煙燻、焦油與木焦油味充盈口中,接著是薰衣草、甘草以及香草的口感體驗,更襯托出煙燻泥煤,以及帶甜的辛香料風味。 聞香▶️煙燻蘋果揉合鳳梨、熟成的香蕉、芬芳的松樹脂,以及淡淡的木質煙薰。在伴隨著可可粉、肉桂與生薑氣息,並飄散著一股薰衣草香氣。 口感▶️辛香料的質感,陣陣煙燻在口中綻放、帶出焦油、木焦油以及黑巧克力風味。隨著口感漸漸增強,更多辛香料的層次一一湧現,以丁香、甘草與交織著煙熏香草風味的生薑,譜出極致的口感體驗。 尾韻▶️餘韻不斷持續瀰漫著,帶有辛香料感的甜咖啡利口酒風味,以及強烈的煙燻香,為這支美酒畫下完美句點。
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Can I buy your whisky from this website?
According to the Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act of Taiwan, it's not allowed to sell alcohol online. You could contact us through the official Line account.
Is the Peaty House a bar? Can we drink in the shop?
The Peaty House is a peated whisky shop, not a bar.In our shop, you can try the whisky, attend whisky tasting events, and buy whisky.
Shall we may an appointment?What is the address of the Peaty House?What is the business hours?
Welcome to the Peaty House without an appointment. In order to provide better services, we hope that you can make an appointment in advance. We will have a special small gift from the appointment.
The business hours are 10am - 7pm at Taipei Time.
Address: No. 266, Rui’an St., Da’an Dist., 106 Taipei City, Taiwan.
Telephone No: +886-2-2700-0606