Ardbeg Day 2020 Ardbeg Blaaack ,700ml,46%
Ardbeg Day 2020 Ardbeg Blaaack ,700ml,46%
在艾雷島上,有著一個與眾不同酒廠,就好比羊群中的黑羊一般, 他就是Ardbeg。 Ardbeg委員會成立20周年紀念版的Ardbeg Blaaack,打破以往多是使用深綠色、透明與金色瓶身,此為首次使用黑色瓶身裝瓶,製酒師比爾博士將黑咩咩放到「紐西蘭的Pinot Noir黑皮諾」紅酒桶中熟成。 聞香 : 甜美的水果布丁與雪松木的芳香,緊密交織著雪茄盒的濃郁。接著是橡木丹寧以及濃郁松露,散發著一股微微的煙燻果醬。加一點水後,集中的櫻桃及獨特的水果香出現。有趣的地方是,這款酒突然往另一個方向浮現出芳香的紫羅蘭。 口感 : 柔順的口感與強烈的風味形成對比。由八角、煙煤、夏日水果打頭陣,接著是派皮蛋糕、黑巧克力、咖啡與杏仁果 尾韻 : 悠長的煙燻結尾
Interest in Buying our Peaty Whisky?
According to the Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act of Taiwan, it's not allowed to sell alcohol online.
You could fill out the inquiry form; alternatively, you could contact us through the official Line account.
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Can I buy your whisky from this website?
According to the Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act of Taiwan, it's not allowed to sell alcohol online. You could contact us through the official Line account.
Is the Peaty House a bar? Can we drink in the shop?
The Peaty House is a peated whisky shop, not a bar.In our shop, you can try the whisky, attend whisky tasting events, and buy whisky.
Shall we may an appointment?What is the address of the Peaty House?What is the business hours?
Welcome to the Peaty House without an appointment. In order to provide better services, we hope that you can make an appointment in advance. We will have a special small gift from the appointment.
The business hours are 10am - 7pm at Taipei Time.
Address: No. 266, Rui’an St., Da’an Dist., 106 Taipei City, Taiwan.
Telephone No: +886-2-2700-0606