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Ardbeg Ardcore Single Malt Scotch Whisky ,700ml,46%

Ardbeg Ardcore Single Malt Scotch Whisky ,700ml,46%

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色澤:透明金 香氣:辛香料帶著咸味,造刺(Ardcore)有著綿綿不絕的酵母、烤土司、植物炭與咖啡粉香氣。營火香和蜜糖如同漩渦般不斷循環而雅柏經典的藥草香則是在背後向你揮手。 口感:令人驚艷的辛香料與火爆口感爆發出豐富的勁道風味-可可粉、黑巧克力、花生脆太妃糖、煙燻萊姆與些許的煤炭味在口中融合,緊接著強烈的八角與麥芽餅乾風味破繭而出,「刺」穿你的味蕾。 尾韻:和諧、優雅與較甜的悠長尾韻帶著微微的太妃糖、煤炭與煙燻的美妙風味。
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According to the Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act of Taiwan, it's not allowed to sell alcohol online. You could contact us through the official Line account.

Is the Peaty House a bar? Can we drink in the shop?

The Peaty House is a peated whisky shop, not a bar.In our shop, you can try the whisky, attend whisky tasting events, and buy whisky.

Shall we may an appointment?What is the address of the Peaty House?What is the business hours?

Welcome to the Peaty House without an appointment. In order to provide better services, we hope that you can make an appointment in advance. We will have a special small gift from the appointment.

The business hours are 10am - 7pm at Taipei Time.

Address: No. 266, Rui’an St., Da’an Dist., 106 Taipei City, Taiwan.

Telephone No: +886-2-2700-0606